Pharamceutical Plant


This is a Sick Pharamceutical Company, Listed on BSE. The company use to make drugs for export to Africa under the WHO program. Factory is built on 6500sqmts of land, 50000sqfts covered area. Tablet making production line is functional as of date and is very well maintained and kept. Installed Production capacity is 15Lakh Tablets/Day.WHO certification has been applied for renewal.  Technical staff of the company is still with the company.




Deal No LI-3
Business Domain Light Manufacturing
Sub-Domain Pharmaceuticals
Geographical Location of Asset Delhi-NCR , Northern India
Reason for Stress The present management was technically not competent to run a pharmaceutical business. They were unable to do proper marketing and expand into injectibles
Price Range/Ticket Size Rs 15 Cr.
Debt Rs 12 Cr
Value of Associated Real Estate Rs 8cr
Details of Other Liablities There is no liablity whatsoever of any third party or labour or suppliers whatsoever
Financials The replacement cost of the project is about Rs 25Cr.

Since the unit is still functional economic cost of gestation and stabilization period amounting to atleast Rs 4Cr is saved.

The asset is available at a discount

Litigations SARFAESI action imminent


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