Distillery in Jammu


It is one of the very few full Distilleries in North India. The Distillery is set up in an area of 30 kanals (Almost 4 Acres) having capacity of 15 KL.At the beginning, the distillery was manufacturing spirit from molasses, which is a by-product of sugar refining. But a few years back, New India Distilleries set up a grain spirit manufacturing plant, which manufactures spirit from grains. It is the only plant of its kind in Jammu.




Deal No LI-4
Business Domain Light Manufacturing
Sub-Domain Distillery
Geographical Location of Asset Jammu
Reason for Stress Working Capital Mismanagement
Price Range/Ticket Size Rs. 50 Cr.
Debt More than Rs. 90 Cr.
Value of Associated Real Estate About 70 Cr.
Details of Other Liablities All crystallized in price.
Litigations SARFAESI Action in progress.
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