5 Star Hotel Delhi


The total constructed area is 4 Lakh sqfts, comprising of 178 rooms and 2 banquet halls, swimming pool and all the facilities as per status of 5 star hotel.
This is a running 5 Star hotel at an upmarket location of Delhi.Total land area is 13159 sqmts alloted for commercial purpose, of which hotel is on 10528sqmts land. The balance land is used for a shopping complex which is out of perview of this sale.



Deal No HO-2
Business Domain Hospitality
Sub-Domain 5 Star Hotel
Geographical Location of Asset Delhi
Reason for Stress Due to a short gestation period and management inefficencies the hotel underperfomed in the initial years, was unable to service its interest obligations and thereby was classified as NPA in 2014.
Price Range/Ticket Size Rs 225 Cr.
Debt Rs 660 Cr.
Value of Associated Real Estate Rs 500 Cr.
Details of Secured Creditors The asset was mortgaged to a consortium of Banks, who in turn have now approached NCLT for initiating Insolvency and Bankruptcy proceedings against the company
Litigations The buyer will get the asset through the directions of NCLT and will get the asset net of all liablities, debt, litigations and penalties whatsoever of any kind
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