Tubular Battery Plant


A Stressed Tubular battery Manufacturing plant , with land – building and Plant & Machinery in working condition is for sale.



Deal No HI-3
Business Domain Heavy Manufacturing
Sub-Domain Tubular Battery Manufacturing Plant
Geographical Location of Asset Bangalore Karnataka
Reason for Stress Working Capital Mismanagement
Price Range/Ticket Size Rs 40 Cr.
Debt Crystallized within price.
Value of Associated Real Estate Rs 100 Cr
Details of Other Liablities There are liablities of Operational Creditors as well, however since the asset is being sold under liquidation, the liablities of the operational creditors or statutory dues become redundant
Financials The Asset can be acquired in the Liquidation Process under Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code-2016 @ Rs 60Cr
Litigations The asset became an NPA and the promoters applied for CIRP u/s 10 of IBC. The petition was admitted CIRP (Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process) Proceedings under IBC commenced .

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